In network marketing having the champion mindset is what separates the Leaders from the Losers. That's why experienced network marketing leaders and sponsors put self-motivation and drive at the top of their lists when scouting new talent for their businesses.
Being a former professional athlete myself, and in the sales arena for almost 10 years, I've seen first-hand the personality and behavioral characteristics of the most successful salespeople, and the most successful athletes. I've also witnessed athletes who have had no prior sales experience use that 'win-at-all-cost' mindset to build successful network marketing businesses. I've found that over and over again, no matter what their experience, the best, all have a strong desire to win and a passion to succeed.
So what is it that drives these Type A personalities? Well, the first is money and the second is recognition, the prize!
Very few athletes move on to the professional ranks after college, but their passion to compete and to succeed is carried through no matter what jobs they end up with in the future. This is why athletes are a hot commodity for many sales and managerial positions, and particularly coveted in the network marketing arena. Many athletes have a sense of leadership and responsibility to perform under pressure. They are coachable, working-hard is not an alien concept and they are used to working with a team to achieve a common goal; to WIN! Successful athletes and network marketers alike are aggressive, dominant, and committed to doing what it takes to achieve their goals.
However, there are some things to look out for when dealing with an athlete. Though they may possess all of the characteristics of a champion, as a network marketer they are essentially running their own businesses and they must somehow learn the skills associated with any small business owner-financial savvy, organization, communication and technical skills. They must learn how to prospect and how to close. Otherwise, they haven't got a chance.
These kind of skills can be taught and this is where athletes can excel. They are accustomed to training, to learning, to implementing and to performing under pressure which are all real-life indicators of sales success. Athletes turned network marketers who find success in our industry are also very open to coaching and constructive criticism which helps them reach their full potential. They find a mentor who they can learn from, one who can take them to the next level of performance no matter what skill-sets they start with.
While being an athlete does not ensure success in the network marketing industry, many athletes posses the winning traits and characteristics that can be used as the foundation for building a successful business as a network marketer. If you are able to identify an athlete that has the drive, motivation and champion mindset to win, there is nothing more do to than give them the systems, marketing support and technology and see how high they can fly!
Andrea Bolder is a former professional athlete and Olympic Gold Medalist turned home-based business advocate. Coaching network marketers and small business the techniques to winning the Olympics of Internet Marketing, she loves showing others how to implement easy step by step Network Marketing and Social Media strategies that allows any one to explode their business and become wildly successful regardless of your experience or company. Discover exactly how you can begin to recruit top notch athletes and professionals into your business!
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